Monday, February 24, 2020

The causes and affects on bullied students in American high scools Research Paper

The causes and affects on bullied students in American high scools - Research Paper Example On the other hand, social factors should also not be overlooked. Family problems, such as lack of communication and family violence, can produce depressed and violent adolescents that are prone to being bullies. The absence of school and teacher involvement, as well as media factors, can also result to wider bullying practices. Bullying, furthermore, impacts bullies, victims, and bystanders. Bullies and victims can both suffer from depression, suicidal intentions, and school problems. Victims also have higher truancy and delinquency problems than non-victims. Bystanders also experience anxiety and helplessness. These effects can be extended along the adult lives of these subgroups and impact their health and happiness in the long-run. It is important for schools, teachers, and other stakeholders to collaborate in resolving bullying behavior. They should understand its causes and find immediate and long-term solutions, so as to adequately deal with and preventing bullying incidence. C auses and Effects of Bullying in American High Schools: The Bully, The Victim, and The Witnesses Bullying in American high schools has taken a larger proportion of the media and researcher attention, especially for the last thirty years and after the Columbine tragedy. Despite this growing interest in studying and stopping bullying, it sadly continues to be a mainstay for American schools, including its high schools. Gastic mentions studies from DeVoe and Kaffenberger and Dinkes et al. that stated that from 2003 to 2004, more than one fourth of American public schools reported that bullying happened every week, where 21 percent of high school students experienced and witnessed bullying (391). Bullying is an alarming phenomenon, because it underlies social and individual issues and further contribute to diverse social and psychological problems for bullies, victims, and bystanders alike. This paper explores the causes and effects of bullying in American high schools. It argues that b ullying is a product of individual and social factors and that if schools and concerned stakeholders will not do anything about it, this will contribute to consequences of violence, suicide, and other health and well-being problems. For the purpose of defining bullying in this paper, bullying or harassment takes place, when one or more students are â€Å"unfriendly or unpleasant towards a student who cannot defend him/herself very easily† (Roland 57). This can include a wide range of bullying behaviors, such as kicking, hitting, or pushing another student, or teasing and ostracizing victims, either at school or online (Roland 57). Cyberbullying is a recent phenomenon that includes teasing people online or spreading rumors about them in various social networks. Bullying can also be categorized as indirect, such as being ostracized or bullied online, or direct, such as being hit or kicked. Bullies are seen as impulsive and physically aggressive individuals, who find it rewardin g to intimidate others, who cannot defend themselves (Bradshaw, O'Brennan, and Sawyer 10). Why are there bullies? Some of the causes of bullying can be rooted to the individual characteristics of the bullies. In 2011, Roland and Idsoe provided empirical evidence that bullies scored high in â€Å"proactive aggressiveness,† which pertains to the tendency to conduct negative behaviors, in order to achieve social rewards, such as witnessing fear and submission from victims (qtd. in Roland 56). Some people theorize that

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Analyst Report on Bridgestone Tyres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analyst Report on Bridgestone Tyres - Essay Example The net income Bridgestone Corp performed extraordinarily In Europe where sales increased by 17% followed by Americans where sales increased by 1%. However, the net sales in Japan remain unchanged compared to 2011. The total assets of the company increased by 14% to 3,038.3 billion in 2012; this increase in the assets by financed by a 12% increase in the total liabilities and 3% increased in the total equity. The company returns showed a strong growth as well. The return on stockholders’ equity increased by 4.6 percentage points to 13.7% and return on assets increased by 2.2 percentage points to 6.0% in 2012. The company promises significant returns as well as strong value addition in future. Company Profile Ticker symbol: 5108.T Mission Statement: Serving Society with Superior Quality Corporate headquarters: Tokyo, Japan Date of Incorporation: March 1st, 1931 Public Auditor: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Name of CEO: Masaaki Tsuya Name of CFO: Koki Takahashi Stock classifi cations: Common Stock Authorized: 1,450,000,000 shares Issued: 813,102,321 shares Exchange: Tokyo Stock Exchange Dividends: 21.9 billion Industry Profile Market Sector The company belongs to the Consumer Discretionary Sector. It is a sector of the economy that comprises businesses that sell non-essential products or services. Leaders Toyota Motor Corp Comcast Corp Inc Industry The company belongs to the Auto Components Industry. The industry comprise companies that supply low value to high value component to auto makers around the world. Stock Comparison with Competitors Bridgestone Corporation’s stock has shown a remarkable growth since January 2012 as compared to Pirelli’s and Goodyear’s stock as shown in the figure. The graph notes some of the major events – dividends, earnings and news. The news article states that the company has invested billions of yen into the research and development to produce tyres with maximized durability and value . The company, currently, has invested millions of yen into a new North American desert plant to extract a new form of natural rubber for tyre manufacturing. This stresses that the company continues to strive hard fpr excellence. The graph shows that company has continued to announce dividends and interim dividends at year ends and half year ends respectively. This has strengthened the belief of the investors in the stock value. Likewise, the company announced promising earnings which has allowed the company to maintain number one position in the global tyre market. Both the dividends and earnings have an impact on the stock price – in this case, the company’s stock price has risen par the competitors’ value after continuously posting strong earninsg and dividends. Market Capitalization Company Market Capitalization Bridgestone Corp 20.24B Goodyear 3.9B Continental 27B Michelin 14.4B Market capitalization is basically the market value of the company’s out standing shares. It determines the size of the company which allows for conclusion on asset allocation and risk factor. The analysis shows Bridgestone Corp has the largest capitalization compared to its three giant competitors – Goodyear, Continental AG and Michelin. With the capitalization of â‚ ¬20.24 billion, it falls in the ‘large cap’ pool of companies with a strong asset allocation and less risk. Global Presence Bridgestone Corpo