Thursday, August 27, 2020

IT security threats Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

IT security dangers - Research Paper Example furthermore, controls and has less favored access to clients of the delicate data frameworks (Silowash, Cappelli, Moore, Trzeciak, Shimeall and Flynn, 2012). The other danger to data innovation is the danger of Visa misrepresentation which prompts unapproved utilization of a Visa (Turban and Volonino, 2011). A portion of the potential arrangements incorporates maintaining a strategic distance from to give out the Visa yet rather select to enter the Visa number on a protected online request, staying away from to reveal charge card number and different subtleties on sites that are not secure or on messages, keeping away from to leave the Visas and different receipts that contain the Mastercard subtleties lying around or in any event, composing of PIN number where it very well may be effortlessly discovered ( Other than the over two dangers, Microsoft gives different dangers like ridiculing and altering fundamentally directed by digital lawbreakers and spies. So as to forestall or stop these dangers, introducing reinforcements routinely, thinking of increasingly intense and muddled setups that won't be handily broken into and introducing firewalls are a portion of the essential security precautionary measures individuals and associations should make (Springer, 2010). Silowash, G., Cappelli, D., Moore, A., Trzeciak, R., Shimeall, T. what's more, Flynn, L. (2012). Basic Sense Guide to Mitigating Insider Threats, fourth Edition (CMU/SEI-2012-TR-012). Recovered January 24, 2013, from the Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University site:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Maintaining Cultural Diversity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Keeping up Cultural Diversity - Assignment Example Arrangements and further suggestions endeavor to keep up duty to enhancement preparing and center abilities of staff and the executives. Suggestions incorporate preparing foundation, conveyance and examination with time explicit objectives to Landbroke plc Board with explicit strategies to conquer language boundaries all through the organization. This usage incorporates time delicate expectations and examination in regards to preparing with future thoughts and suggestions inside the organization's assorted workforce. Ladbrokes plc was some time ago Hilton Group until February 2006, when the organization offered its European rights to the Hilton Group namesake to Hilton Hotels USA for 5.7 billion, and there propelled into a full betting encounter. This office oversees restrictive online wagers in the European area by facilitating betting wagers and making chances via telephone and through their 2,000 in number bookmaking shops in Europe. This incorporates conventional games and club betting to web based betting, and will even make chances and acknowledge wagers on governmental issues (Hoovers Inc 2006). Ladbrokes plc keeps up that: As an independent organization Ladbrokes will grow its business by expanding on its image initiative, its capacity to enhance and the experience and skill of its supervisory crew and 14,000 representatives (Ladbrokes plc 2006). In the expert space, unique thought to the organization's quick development will be taken to give operational help preparing. As per meeting Penn Venture operational help administration definition, this counsel will incorporate Unmistakable aptitudes preparing for a worry's administrators that is straightforwardly identified with the administration and activities of the worry and that gives abilities in zones where the worry's administration needs foundation or experience (Vovakes 2004). Issue Identification The goals of this meeting are to offer recognized types of assistance for the organization's essential worries inside the operational help space. This intends to improve the practicality of preparing assets while bringing down expenses of assets, with a specific spotlight on preparing inside segment expansion. The preparation and administration suggestions will be led secretly to Ladbrokes Board of Corporate Governance. The extent of the dispatched work is to unveil data on segment develops, assorted variety and moral preparing, this will reaches out to the general business and not to explicit shops except if mentioned by the Board. The data used is Ladbroke's Staff Council and their assorted variety information just as national norms for decent variety. Right now, Ladbroke's enhancement is a lot higher than the UK normal, as noted in Chart 1.0, Appendices An as per the decent variety of Ladbrokes, the organization likewise brags a 32 percentile inner

Friday, August 21, 2020

The eNotes Blog Bookless Libraries TheyreComing

Bookless Libraries TheyreComing Simply this week, I was viewing a scene of Downton Abbeyâ and one of the scenes was set in the library. Wonderful calfskin bound volumes occupied the immense room from floor to roof and secured each divider. Master Grantham failed to acknowledge them by any stretch of the imagination, as he stood, liquor close by, trusting that his valet will bring his night coat. The visual picture of this mid twentieth century library struck me on two or three levels; first, how books like the ones that decorate the Crawleys home were once implied for the exceptionally tip top. The workers first floor may have entertained themselves at times with a penny appalling however it is impossible that any of them read, or approached, considerably more. The second thing that I saw was the sheer quantities of tomes, and how superfluous, truly, it is in the twenty-first century to need to commit so much physical space to the printed word. Dont misunderstand me. There is nothing I love more than the weight of a book. I love the manner in which they smell. I thoroughly enjoy really turning pages. Until the time has come to move. I have the same number of books in my Kindle now as I do on my clasping racks. What's more, they all fit in my littlest wallet. So I guess I comprehend that cutting edge libraries are confronting a similar predicament. The existence expected to house and regulate books is gigantic. In the no so distant past, bookless libraries were just a thought, however now they are going on. This fall, San Antonio, Texas will open its first completely electronic loaning library. There will be fifty work stations and eReaders that supporters can look at and bring home. Despite the fact that the venture cost $1.5 million dollars, its backer, Judge Nelson Wolff, contends that it is financially savvy. The new organization, named BiblioTech utilizes existing city offices, and, maybe more critically, is accessible to a generally underserved network whose inhabitants regularly don't have their very own electronic gadgets. Is this the future for most libraries? Most likely. In any case, not for some time yet. To state there is as yet a huge measure of material to be digitized is putting it mildly. Also, there are copyright issues with which to battle. Sarah Houghton, chief of a library in California, whines that 99 percent of the materials that the overall population need to look at,  such as best-sellers,â simply arent accessible to libraries carefully. Another issue repressing the development of bookless libraries is the preparation of staff, on utilization of the gadgets, however how to disclose them to their supporters, a large number of whom may have had almost no involvement in computerized perusers. Besides, the cost of getting these new gadgets is frequently restrictive for most open libraries. Also, what happens when these gadgets become obsolete? Today, it appears that innovation improves like clockwork, if not sooner. Better not agitated Lord Grantham presently. You may even now need to acquire that volume of Tocquevilles Democracy in America.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Argument About Descriptive Essay Samples

The Argument About Descriptive Essay Samples Among the fundamental methods for writing an email is to partition your intended audience. Emails remain to be among the best and efficient advertising and marketing platforms no matter the alterations in the advertising scene. After you have the columns laid out you are able to begin to fill them with details which help support your thesis. Descriptive Narrative Essay Example may be used mainly to recreate an occasion. Description embedded in an argument paper, for instance, could be intended to earn a position more persuasive. The next thing to do is to make an outline listing the facts of the discussion of each paragraph. Each and every detail of a certain subject plays an important part in developing a visual representation for such. Enjoy the procedure for describing the subjectit may be a rewarding experience. Describe your very best friend so the reader can picture her or him. Describe your perfect living place or the location where you live in order for your reader can picture it clearly. Describe your favourite food in order for your reader can see it and almost taste it also. Now describe your idea of a perfect pet so that he can picture it. Getting creative and descriptive can on occasion be a challenge. To start, you must have a topic. Everything is significantly simpler. Nobody cares about your organization or products. The Lost Secret of Descriptive Essay Samples The major matter to be mindful about in personal descriptive essay is that there shouldn't be any over-exaggeration. Lastly, the conclusion paragraph creates an overview of the entirety of your essay. There are essentials in every single sort of essay that you have to take note. You can not ever be too thorough when it has to do with reading the essay over again and checking for any locations that have to be reworked. Now compose an essay describing your favourite place in order for your reader will have the ability to picture it. As all our writers are gurus in academic writing, you can come across essays on several different descriptive essay topics that will help in your case. You're able to produce a more original bit of writing. Beginning a descriptive narrative essay is much as with any other essay in that you will need to capture the reader's interest. The reader should have the notion of the entire essay from the introduction. Don't panic if you are not able to get your descriptive essay right. A descriptive essay is among the essay examples which can be easily done if you're conscious of the basics of its creation. A great descriptive essay comes out of a knowledgeable and imaginative mind. It shows the reader instead of telling him. As you begin writing more descriptive essays, make certain you paint an image of your character. Our writers try their very best to develop interesting suggestions and share them with you. By looking at great sample descriptive paragraphs, you will have the ability to acquire a notion of what a superior essay resembles. New Step by Step Roadmap for Descriptive Essay Samples The vocabulary of each person has been split into passive and active. For beginner writers it's difficult to produce the perfect academic tone and fashion. Now, describe your private flag in order for your reader can see it clearly. Normally, most readers receive the best representation of something through the usage of their senses!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Personal Finance Curriculum And Video Series - 861 Words

Whew, where to start? The personal finance class, through Dame Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance textbook and video series really had a lot of useful information, and it is hard to pick out the most impactful chapters and topics. However, I think the most important stuff for me was his five foundations for financial success, which were reinforced throughout the course. I am not downplaying the other important stuff in the course, including learning about the history of credit, budgeting, consumer awareness, investing, insurance, and taxes, but I think that mastering the fundamentals is important, which is why I am choosing to highlight them in this paper. The first foundation (at least for us teenagers) is to establish a $500 emergency fund. For adults, the recommended amount is 3-6 months of expenses, but the principle remains the same. The emergency fund allows you to always have money to cover surprise expenses, avoiding having to go into debt during an emergency sit uation. To do this, you simply create a bank account separate from your regular checking or savings accounts, put money in, and only bring money out of it in the most dire of situations. It may be tempting to use that money for some kind of fancy investment, but you should think of it as more of an insurance than an investment. As for how I am applying this to my life, I have set aside $600 in the bank (away from my regular account) that I will not touch until there is a large enough emergency toShow MoreRelatedThe Financial Management Course Offered At The Benedictine University1860 Words   |  8 Pagesthe stakeholders investment. A few months ago I had the opportunity to enroll and complete an online financial management course at the Benedictine University. The course was taught by one of the proficient professors in the department of finance. 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DEFINITION OF TERMS Animation A  simulation  of movement created by displaying a series of pictures, or frames. Animation starts with independent pictures and puts them together to form the illusion of continuous motion. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Face-to-Face Versus Online Education - 972 Words

Jeffrey McGurren Com. 103 March 4, 2004 Research Paper 1 Face-to-Face Versus Online Education Education is essential to the future of our society. Many adults, including scholars and teachers, are constantly searching for the best way to educate students today. Face-to-face education, being the genuine form, seems to be the first choice of many students. However, online education is becoming more popular and is being used more often at universities. Online courses are convenient for some who have busy schedules which obstruct them from attending face-to-face courses. Online education may be the most convenient form of education, but is it an effective form? Several valid arguments have been made by scholars and other individuals†¦show more content†¦Since times and meeting places are not specified in online group work, members of the group cannot make excuses on why they cannot attend. The assignments can be worked on by each group member on their own time. The group members can then cooperate with one another through postings or e-mail to equally combine their contr ibutions. We don t have to worry about the group members who did not participate receiving credit (as commonly happens in in-class group work) because we submit only the names of those who participated in the assignment. Having experienced both online and face-to-face education, I have come to the popular opinion: Online education has its positive aspects in relation to convenience and quantity of communication, however, I believe that face-to-face education produces better quality of communication which, in the end, is more essential to the learning process. Online education is convenient and can grant students opportunity to communicate more often with their professors and peers through postings and mail forums. Face-to-face education allows students to learn in a more personal nature which may make the learning process easier and more enjoyable. Neither form of education has been declared the right, or best form. Different individuals have varied beliefs and opinions on which type of education is the best. In order to form an opinion as to which form of education is best for youShow MoreRelatedComparing Face to Face Nursing Education versus Online Options1407 Words   |  6 PagesEducation is evolving due to the impact of the Internet. Change is necessary to engage students; this generation of students has the advantages of instant knowledge that previous generations did not have. Academic facilities, specifically nursing, are slowly adjusting to technological advances in education and are hesitant in accepting online courses as a cre ditable source of teaching. The purpose of this study is to compare traditional, face-to-face nursing education to education delivered throughRead MoreOnline vs Traditional Education930 Words   |  4 PagesOnline versus traditional education There seems to be a new type of education out there for people instead of traditional education. The type of education I am talking about is online education. You may be wondering what I mean by an online education is and how you learn with it. This compare and contrast essay will talk about the pro’s and cons of each of the types of education and why I prefer to do online education versus doing a traditional education. Throughout this paper I will be discussingRead MoreEssay on Is Online Instruction an Efficient Form of Education?1247 Words   |  5 Pageschanged our life in many ways, such as online education. In 2002, more than 1.6 million college students took online courses and unsurprisingly, this number almost tripled in 2008 (Allen and Seaman, 2010). 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Notwithstanding on the online and face-to-faceRead MoreOnline Education Vs Traditional Education1068 Words   |  5 PagesOn-Line Education versus Traditional Education Introduction/Thesis Online education has rapidly become a popular alternative to traditional education, due to the flexible nature of the courses and also the fact that the online learning environment may not require additional expenses. However, some people find traditional learning to be more advantageous than online learning. The traditional learning environment provides some people with more support throughout their scholastic career. When lookingRead MoreOnline vs Traditional Education Essay837 Words   |  4 PagesUniversity of Phoenix Com/155 Online Versus Traditional Education It is a hassle when you are trying to decide what schooling you want to go to. With the controversy of attending college, many people wonder which education is better online or traditional education. You have to decide whether to go online or traditional education. Since education price is rising a lot of students are choosing online because it is more flexible. When you look at it you are getting the same thing from both, whichRead MoreOnline Education Vs. Traditional Education1221 Words   |  5 PagesBenefits of Online Education Factions and supporters of online education express many advantages of online education compared to old-style classroom instruction. First, enrollment options are offered to each student to study online for most degree plans, with a flexible enrollment option and from any location, free from a competitive student classroom environment (Frame et al., 2015). Second, online education provides the student the option to work their assignments from home or any location atRead MoreCompare and Contrast Public Schools and Online Schools1025 Words   |  5 PagesOnline schools versus campus schools, can one completely replace another? I’ve personally had the opportunity to experience both schools. Although they both provide the same outcome, which is a college degree of your choice of studies, there are advantages of one versus the other. I believe online schools are better to attend because of the convenience, satisfying classroom experience, and the cost and length of time to compl ete the degree program. Going to school online, you have more convenienceRead MoreOn-Line Teaching vs Traditional Teaching1302 Words   |  6 PagesTeaching vs Online Teaching Nowadays, education becomes one of the important things in human life. Most of the individual in the earth is aware to obtain the education. Besides that, every country always concern on developing the quality of the education to improve the human resources. If the quality of human resources of a country is good, indeed, the quality of that country will be good too. As the matter of fact, we cannot deny that the improvement of technology really influence the education itself

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Case Study of Dorothy-Free-Samples for Students Myassignment

Question: You are to write an essay which analyses a case study in order to discuss appropriate biopsychosocial factors and nursing management or interventions relevant to that case. Answer: Case study summary The case study refers to a female 29 years old Dorothy who has been a mother for 4 weeks. She underwent too much pain during her delivery since she had a protracted labor after which a forceps delivery was conducted on her. Since then, Dorothy has lost interest in her new born and only tends to her after being pressurized by her husband or mother in law. Dorothy feels that having the child was just too painful. Alan who is her husband is intolerant at her lack of affection for the child. Dorothy has developed post natal depression, feeling tired, insomnia, low tolerance levels, panic, screaming. She has a feeling that her family is not supportive enough. She has then lost appetite and in turn lost weight. Dorothy has also had other factors associated to stress and trauma as discussed in the paper. Introduction Post natal depression is a common cause of psychological disorders alongside other factors in most people. Depression expresses itself in a variety of factors such as lack of sleep, appetite, and weight loss, lack of commitments, trauma, stress, restlessness, drug abuse, suicidal thoughts and pain in various parts of the body among other psychosocial factors. This paper attempts to discuss the appropriate bio psychosocial factors and nursing management interventions related to post natal depression as presented in the case study, and the ethical issues that has erupted from the post natal depression and care (Depression, (2015). Bio psychosocial factors that contribute to depression Post natal depression refers to a kind of depression that develops in women after giving birth to a child. It may also affect fathers and other family members although on very rare cases. There are several causes of depression and it leads to several adverse effects if it is not handled well. Depression is a turmoil influencing state of mind and general self. Lost enthusiasm for exercises or feeling miserable and down are side effects that describe this condition. Despite the fact that the vast majority feel pitiful or down for brief periods, post natal depression is beyond feeling dismal. Depression is a genuine therapeutic condition and individuals for the most part aren't ready to simply get over a depressive state. Untreated depression that can cause adverse conditions such as work issues, strain on connections, medication and drug misuse, self-destructive musings or endeavors among other conditions. Depression occurs to almost all individuals, post natal depression however mostly occurs to women of about 0-1 year after giving. Rubertsson, et al (2014) there are several myths and misconceptions. Most of these range from emotional balance and hormonal influences. The depression may also be caused by pain as presented in the case study. However, there are a variety of causes that are mostly associated with depression. Depression isn't a basic condition with a known reason. A few people are more defenseless to depressive scenes while others are definitely not. Norhayati, et al (2015) explains that heredity is one of the core assertions associated with depression. Depression might be an acquired condition. One may have a higher probability of encountering a depressive issue sooner or later in their life on the off chance that one has a relative who has suffered the same condition. The real qualities included are not known. It's trusted that numerous qualities may play a factor in causing this type of depression. Biochemical reactions are also a common cause of post natal depression in many mothers. A few people have recognizable changes in their brains with discouragement. Despite the fact that this potential reason isn't comprehended, it suggests depression begins with cerebrum work. Few scholars have associated depression with despondency, pain and pleasure that a mother encounters in their life. Neurotransmitters in the cerebrum particularly serotonin, dopamine, or norepinephrine influence sentiments of bliss and joy and might be out of adjust in individuals with depression argues Goodman, et al (2015). Antidepressants work to adjust these neurotransmitters, for the most part serotonin. Changes in hormone generation or working could prompt the beginning of depressive states. Any adjustments in hormone states including menopause, labor, thyroid issues, or different issue could cause depression. In relation to post natal depression, as is the case of Dorothy, moms create side effects of depression in the wake of conceiving an offspring. It's typical to be enthusiastic due to the evolving hormones, but post birth depression is a genuine condition. As sunlight hours get shorter in the winter, many individuals create sentiments of laziness, tiredness, and lost enthusiasm for ordinary exercises. This condition was called regular full of feeling issue presently it's known as real depressive issue. According to Webb, R., Ayers, S. (2015) situational causes of stress is another major cause of stress. Situations an individual may be having in life may trigger several changes in the emotional wellbeing of an individual. Injury, a major change, or battle in life can trigger an instance of sadness. Losing a friend or family member, being terminated, having monetary inconveniences, or experiencing a genuine change can bigly affect individuals. Situations that trigger emotions may cause depression in mothers for example, change of roles, feelings and attachment to family members. Depression does not just develop. There are several predisposing factors that make it it more likely for some people to suffer from stress other than others. These factors are mostly related to an individual other than general conditions. Some of these conditions include gender where the women are more likely to get depression other than men. Low self-esteem, other mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, drug and substance abuse, having some illnesses or taking various medications may also pre dispose one to depression. Barry, et al (2015) argues that post natal depression expresses itself in three ways. In some women, depression may develop before birth which is commonly known as perinatal depression. However, post natal depression may include maternity blues which is very common. In this type, a mother feels down and depressed a few days after a child is born. This however disappears after a few days. Post natal depression is similar to maternity blues but more serious in terms the period it takes. It can occur at any period in the first year after a mother has had a child. The last type is post natal psychosis. This has also been commonly referred to as post-partum psychosis. Post natal psychosis is commonly rare and exemplifies symptoms of psychosis. Psychosis in major cases begins after a period of two weeks from the birth of a child. Post natal depression may affect women who do not have a period of mental illness as well (Brummelte, Galea, 2016). Nursing management interventions of post natal depression According to Murgatroyd, et al (2015) diagnosis of depression is done through a full examination of the medical history. A patient may be referred to a psychiatrist for an in depth examination of the signs and symptoms of depression at around the pregnancy period. In spite of the fact that there have been a few examinations into avoiding postnatal dejection, there is no proof that there's anything particular one can do to keep the condition growing, aside from keeping up as sound a way of life as one can. There are several treatment options for post natal depression. These treatment options and nursing interventions revolve around medication, psychotherapy and physical fitness of the body. Giving advice counselling and psychotherapy is one of the most important milestones in the event of offering help to troubled clients of such disorders as associated to depression. Strong advising is a treatment for milder types of postnatal depression, where it is as compelling as energizer drug. More particular treatments, for example, intellectual conduct treatment, are exceptionally compelling. Individuals figure out how to utilize their own particular abilities and assets to adapt to stresses and issues. Figueiredo, Canrio, Field, (2014) holds that counseling about postnatal depression can be critical to help the new mother, their family and supporters to comprehend and help in their recuperation. Health professionals should give relevant advice on the various preparedness os such conditions, make recommendations and help clients to overcome their fears and to adapt easily to the new environments. As for the case of Dorothy, the fact that she had stayed for so long without being able to get a child is enough cause for alarm that necessitates psychiatric counseling before and after birth. The counselors should also equip her with a variety of alternatives to ensure that she has enough preparedness to deal with the outcome. The specialist may endorse antidepressants for stress. Finding the correct solution can involve experimentation there is no real way to foresee which drug will be successful and endured by any one individual. The health professional should also put into the after effects and the side effects of various medications that affect the life of the mothers adversely in order to prevent such occurrences. In the case that one is buying medicines from the counter, it is always advisable for one to seek the advice from the specialist before taking on any path of medication. Consequently, it is essential not to quit taking antidepressants all of a sudden without restorative counsel. Correlative treatments are also considered to be effective in treating depression. The term correlative treatment is for the most part used to show treatments and medications that contrast from ordinary western pharmaceutical and that might be utilized to supplement and bolster it. Certain correlative treatments may upgrade life and help one to look after personal physical health (Verreault, et al (2014). Dennis, Dowswell, (2013) explains that physical fitness is one of the most effective non medicinal methods of solving stress and distress in post natal depression patients. It's likewise truly critical to take care of physical wellbeing. It is necessary that Dorothy should engage in rigorous physical exercise and a good diet in order to reduce her stress levels. She should also conduct an examination with the health professionals in order to improve her physical well-being. Ethical implications for post natal depression According to Borra, Iacovou, Sevilla, (2015) the avocation most ordinarily used to join screening is that the potential advantages of recognizing intercession adequacy adjust the danger of individual damage. Be that as it may, impressive dangers do exist. The revelation of new data may bring about further despondency or stresses, individuals may feel loaded, open to additionally chance, uncertain of whether to uncover data to relatives and disillusioned in the event that they are designated to a control gathering. Independence is said to be regarded in light of the fact that members give attention to take an interest. Pediatric experts are being solicited to give an expanding cluster from administrations amid well-kid visits, including screening for psychosocial and family issues that may straightforwardly or by implication influence their pediatric patients. One such administration is normal screening for post pregnancy depression at pediatric visits. Post pregnancy depression is a case of a parental condition that can have genuine negative impacts for the youngster. Since it is a maternal condition, it raises a large group of moral and legitimate inquiries regarding the limits of pediatric care and the pediatric supplier's obligation and risk. There are however several dangers and risk factors associated with either screening or not screening for, post birth depression at pediatric visits. Grekin, O'Hara, (2014) despite the fact that an extensive variety of parental emotional wellness issues can affect child rearing practices and wellbeing results, one major clinical condition that has gotten expanded consideration concerning routine screening inside pediatric visits: post pregnancy anxiety. With expectations of empowering a more extensive discourse of the limits of pediatric care, utilization of this particular issue to examine lawful contemplations that develop from the social insurance framework and moral contemplations that are all inclusive. Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that post natal depression and all major types of depression are caused by a variety of risk factors such as heredity, situational conditions, pain, sudden changes in the way of life and other social factors such as esteem and economic status. Pearson, et al (2013). It is also very clear that there are several clinical interventions that and non-medicinal interventions that can be carried out in order to relieve the post natal depression such as physical fitness, medication and psychotherapy. Some of the ethical considerations include screening during pediatric visits for the clinical depressions. References Barry, T. J., Murray, L., Fearon, R. P., Moutsiana, C., Cooper, P., Goodyer, I. M., ... Halligan, S. L. (2015). Maternal postnatal depression predicts altered offspring biological stress reactivity in adulthood.Psychoneuroendocrinology,52, 251-260. Borra, C., Iacovou, M., Sevilla, A. (2015). New evidence on breastfeeding and postpartum depression: the importance of understanding womens intentions.Maternal and child health journal,19(4), 897-907. Brummelte, S., Galea, L. A. (2016). Postpartum depression: etiology, treatment and consequences for maternal care.Hormones and behavior,77, 153-166. Dennis, C. L., Dowswell, T. (2013). Psychosocial and psychological interventions for preventing postpartum depression.The Cochrane Library. Depression, P. (2015). Heterogeneity of postpartum depression: a latent class analysis.The Lancet Psychiatry,2(1), 59-67. Figueiredo, B., Canrio, C., Field, T. (2014). Breastfeeding is negatively affected by prenatal depression and reduces postpartum depression.Psychological medicine,44(5), 927-936. Goodman, J. H., Prager, J., Goldstein, R., Freeman, M. (2015). Perinatal dyadic psychotherapy for postpartum depression: a randomized controlled pilot trial.Archives of women's mental health,18(3), 493-506. Grekin, R., O'Hara, M. W. (2014). Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum posttraumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis.Clinical Psychology Review,34(5), 389-401. Murgatroyd, C., Quinn, J. P., Sharp, H. M., Pickles, A., Hill, J. (2015). Effects of prenatal and postnatal depression, and maternal stroking, at the glucocorticoid receptor gene.Translational psychiatry,5(5), e560. Norhayati, M. N., Hazlina, N. N., Asrenee, A. R., Emilin, W. W. (2015). Magnitude and risk factors for postpartum symptoms: a literature review.Journal of affective Disorders,175, 34-52. O'hara, M. W., McCabe, J. E. (2013). Postpartum depression: current status and future directions.Annual review of clinical psychology,9, 379-407. Pearson, R. M., Evans, J., Kounali, D., Lewis, G., Heron, J., Ramchandani, P. G., ... Stein, A. (2013). Maternal depression during pregnancy and the postnatal period: risks and possible mechanisms for offspring depression at age 18 years.JAMA psychiatry,70(12), 1312-1319. Rubertsson, C., Hellstrm, J., Cross, M., Sydsj, G. (2014). Anxiety in early pregnancy: prevalence and contributing factors.Archives of women's mental health,17(3), 221-228. Verreault, N., Da Costa, D., Marchand, A., Ireland, K., Dritsa, M., Khalif, S. (2014). Rates and risk factors associated with depressive symptoms during pregnancy and with postpartum onset.Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics gynecology,35(3), 84-91. Webb, R., Ayers, S. (2015). Cognitive biases in processing infant emotion by women with depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder in pregnancy or after birth: A systematic review.Cognition and Emotion,29(7), 1278-1294.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

To India My Native Land free essay sample

In this poem, Derozio personifies India and talks to her in a monologue. Derozio talks about the glorious past of India. He tells her (while Derozio does not hint at what sex he personifies India as, I assume it to be a female because we always refer to a country as mother and in India we refer to our country as Bharat Mata (or mother India the diety)) that in her days of glory, she used to be regarded highly, worshipped and was considered sacrosanct. But now (at the time of writing the poem) all this grandeur of hers is lost. Derozio is evidently unhappy with the British rule in India and refers to the same in the line â€Å"The eagle pinion is chained down at last†, where eagle refers to India. It is believed that in early days of British rule, foreigners referred to India as the Golden Eagle or Golden bird as it was very rich and one of the largest producer of gold and diamonds. We will write a custom essay sample on To India My Native Land or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Foreign visitor were awed by the riches and hospitality that India offered. However, the British rule and internal weaknesses brought the country slavery and demolished its pride and identity. This thought is clearly conveyed in the following line by Derozio: â€Å"And groveling in the lowly dust art thou† There was an acute sense of hopelessness due to lack of freedom and stagnation in the standards of living. Derozio says that there is nothing more to write apart for the then current situation of the country (â€Å"no wreath to weave for thee, Save the sad story of thy miseryâ€Å").

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Definition of Gerrymander

Definition of Gerrymander To gerrymander is to draw the boundaries of electoral districts in an irregular way so as to create an unfair advantage for a particular political party or faction. The origin of the term gerrymander dates back to the early 1800s in Massachusetts. The word is a combination of the words Gerry, for the states governor, Elbridge Gerry, and salamander, as a particular electoral district was jokingly said to be shaped like a lizard. The practice of creating oddly shaped electoral districts to create advantages has endured for two centuries. Criticisms of the practice can be found in newspapers and books going back to the time of the incident in Massachusetts that inspired the term. And while it has always been viewed as something done wrongfully, nearly all political parties and factions have practiced gerrymandering when given the opportunity. The Drawing of Congressional Districts The United States Constitution specifies that seats in Congress are apportioned according to the U.S. Census (indeed, thats the original reason why the federal government has conducted a census every ten years). And the individual states must create congressional districts which will then elect members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The situation in Massachusetts in 1811 was that the Democrats (who were political followers of Thomas Jefferson, not the later Democratic Party which still exists) held the majority of seats in the state legislature, and could therefore draw the required Congressional districts. The Democrats wanted to thwart the power of their opponents, the Federalists, the party in the tradition of John Adams. A plan was devised to create Congressional districts that would divide any concentrations of Federalists. With the map drawn in an irregular way, small pockets of Federalists would then be residing within districts where they would be heavily outnumbered. The plans to draw these peculiarly shaped districts were, of course, highly controversial. And the lively New England newspapers engaged in quite a battle of words, and, eventually, even pictures. The Coining of the Term Gerrymander There has been dispute over the years of who exactly coined the term gerrymander. An early book on the history of American newspapers stated that the word arose from a meeting of the Boston newspaper editor Benjamin Russell and the famed American painter Gilbert Stuart. In Anecdotes, Personal Memoirs, and Biographies of Literary Men Connected With Newspaper Literature, published in 1852, Joseph T. Buckingham presented the following story: In 1811, when Mr. Gerry was governor of the commonwealth, the legislature made a new division of the districts for the election of representatives to Congress. Both branches then had a Democratic majority. For the purpose of securing a Democratic representative, an absurd and singular arrangement of towns in the county of Essex was made to compose a district. Russell took a map of the county, and designated by a particular coloring the towns thus selected. He then hung the map on the wall of his editorial closet. One day, Gilbert Stuart, the celebrated painter, looked at the map, and said the towns, which Russell had thus distinguished, formed a picture resembling some monstrous animal. He took a pencil, and, with a few touches, added what might be supposed to represent claws. There, said Stuart, that will do for a salamander.Russell, who was busy with his pen, looked up at the hideous figure, and exclaimed, Salamander! Call it Gerrymander!The word became a proverb, and, for many years, was in popular use among the Federalists as a term of reproach to the Democratic legislature, which had distinguished itself by this act of political turpitude. An engraving of the Gerrymander  was made, and hawked about the state, which had some effect in annoying the Democratic Party. The word gerrymander, often rendered in hyphenated form as gerry-mander, began to appear in New England newspapers in March 1812. For instance, the Boston Repertory, on March 27, 1812, published an illustration representing the oddly shaped Congressional district as a lizard with claws, teeth, and even the wings of a mythical dragon. A headline described it as A New Species of Monster. In the text below the illustration an editorial said: The district may be exhibited as a Monster. It is the offspring of moral and political depravity. It was created to drown the real voice of the majority of the citizens in the country of Essex, where it is well known there is a large federal majority. Outrage Over the Gerry-Mander Monster Faded Though New England newspapers blasted the newly drawn district and the politicians who created it, other newspapers in 1812 reported the same phenomenon had occurred elsewhere. And the practice had been given a lasting name. Incidentally, Elbridge Gerry, the Massachusetts governor whose name wound up being the basis for the term, was the leader of the Jeffersonian Democrats in the state at the time. But there is some dispute whether he even approved of the scheme to draw the oddly shaped district. Gerry had been a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and had a long career of political service. Having his name dragged into the conflict over the Congressional districts seemed not to harm him, and was a successful vice-presidential candidate in the election of 1812. Gerry died in 1814 while serving as vice president in the administration of President James Madison. Gratitude is expressed to the New York Public Library Digital Collections for the use of the early 19th century illustration of The Gerry-Mander.

Monday, February 24, 2020

The causes and affects on bullied students in American high scools Research Paper

The causes and affects on bullied students in American high scools - Research Paper Example On the other hand, social factors should also not be overlooked. Family problems, such as lack of communication and family violence, can produce depressed and violent adolescents that are prone to being bullies. The absence of school and teacher involvement, as well as media factors, can also result to wider bullying practices. Bullying, furthermore, impacts bullies, victims, and bystanders. Bullies and victims can both suffer from depression, suicidal intentions, and school problems. Victims also have higher truancy and delinquency problems than non-victims. Bystanders also experience anxiety and helplessness. These effects can be extended along the adult lives of these subgroups and impact their health and happiness in the long-run. It is important for schools, teachers, and other stakeholders to collaborate in resolving bullying behavior. They should understand its causes and find immediate and long-term solutions, so as to adequately deal with and preventing bullying incidence. C auses and Effects of Bullying in American High Schools: The Bully, The Victim, and The Witnesses Bullying in American high schools has taken a larger proportion of the media and researcher attention, especially for the last thirty years and after the Columbine tragedy. Despite this growing interest in studying and stopping bullying, it sadly continues to be a mainstay for American schools, including its high schools. Gastic mentions studies from DeVoe and Kaffenberger and Dinkes et al. that stated that from 2003 to 2004, more than one fourth of American public schools reported that bullying happened every week, where 21 percent of high school students experienced and witnessed bullying (391). Bullying is an alarming phenomenon, because it underlies social and individual issues and further contribute to diverse social and psychological problems for bullies, victims, and bystanders alike. This paper explores the causes and effects of bullying in American high schools. It argues that b ullying is a product of individual and social factors and that if schools and concerned stakeholders will not do anything about it, this will contribute to consequences of violence, suicide, and other health and well-being problems. For the purpose of defining bullying in this paper, bullying or harassment takes place, when one or more students are â€Å"unfriendly or unpleasant towards a student who cannot defend him/herself very easily† (Roland 57). This can include a wide range of bullying behaviors, such as kicking, hitting, or pushing another student, or teasing and ostracizing victims, either at school or online (Roland 57). Cyberbullying is a recent phenomenon that includes teasing people online or spreading rumors about them in various social networks. Bullying can also be categorized as indirect, such as being ostracized or bullied online, or direct, such as being hit or kicked. Bullies are seen as impulsive and physically aggressive individuals, who find it rewardin g to intimidate others, who cannot defend themselves (Bradshaw, O'Brennan, and Sawyer 10). Why are there bullies? Some of the causes of bullying can be rooted to the individual characteristics of the bullies. In 2011, Roland and Idsoe provided empirical evidence that bullies scored high in â€Å"proactive aggressiveness,† which pertains to the tendency to conduct negative behaviors, in order to achieve social rewards, such as witnessing fear and submission from victims (qtd. in Roland 56). Some people theorize that

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Analyst Report on Bridgestone Tyres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analyst Report on Bridgestone Tyres - Essay Example The net income Bridgestone Corp performed extraordinarily In Europe where sales increased by 17% followed by Americans where sales increased by 1%. However, the net sales in Japan remain unchanged compared to 2011. The total assets of the company increased by 14% to 3,038.3 billion in 2012; this increase in the assets by financed by a 12% increase in the total liabilities and 3% increased in the total equity. The company returns showed a strong growth as well. The return on stockholders’ equity increased by 4.6 percentage points to 13.7% and return on assets increased by 2.2 percentage points to 6.0% in 2012. The company promises significant returns as well as strong value addition in future. Company Profile Ticker symbol: 5108.T Mission Statement: Serving Society with Superior Quality Corporate headquarters: Tokyo, Japan Date of Incorporation: March 1st, 1931 Public Auditor: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Name of CEO: Masaaki Tsuya Name of CFO: Koki Takahashi Stock classifi cations: Common Stock Authorized: 1,450,000,000 shares Issued: 813,102,321 shares Exchange: Tokyo Stock Exchange Dividends: 21.9 billion Industry Profile Market Sector The company belongs to the Consumer Discretionary Sector. It is a sector of the economy that comprises businesses that sell non-essential products or services. Leaders Toyota Motor Corp Comcast Corp Inc Industry The company belongs to the Auto Components Industry. The industry comprise companies that supply low value to high value component to auto makers around the world. Stock Comparison with Competitors Bridgestone Corporation’s stock has shown a remarkable growth since January 2012 as compared to Pirelli’s and Goodyear’s stock as shown in the figure. The graph notes some of the major events – dividends, earnings and news. The news article states that the company has invested billions of yen into the research and development to produce tyres with maximized durability and value . The company, currently, has invested millions of yen into a new North American desert plant to extract a new form of natural rubber for tyre manufacturing. This stresses that the company continues to strive hard fpr excellence. The graph shows that company has continued to announce dividends and interim dividends at year ends and half year ends respectively. This has strengthened the belief of the investors in the stock value. Likewise, the company announced promising earnings which has allowed the company to maintain number one position in the global tyre market. Both the dividends and earnings have an impact on the stock price – in this case, the company’s stock price has risen par the competitors’ value after continuously posting strong earninsg and dividends. Market Capitalization Company Market Capitalization Bridgestone Corp 20.24B Goodyear 3.9B Continental 27B Michelin 14.4B Market capitalization is basically the market value of the company’s out standing shares. It determines the size of the company which allows for conclusion on asset allocation and risk factor. The analysis shows Bridgestone Corp has the largest capitalization compared to its three giant competitors – Goodyear, Continental AG and Michelin. With the capitalization of â‚ ¬20.24 billion, it falls in the ‘large cap’ pool of companies with a strong asset allocation and less risk. Global Presence Bridgestone Corpo

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The VARK Questionnaire Essay Example for Free

The VARK Questionnaire Essay Choose the answer which best explains your preference by placing a check on the squares next to the choices. You may have two answers per item if a single answer does not match your perception. Leave blank any question that does not apply. A group of tourists want to learn about the parks or wildlife reserves in your area. You would: give them a book or pamphlets about the parks or wildlife reserves. talk about, or arrange a talk for them about parks or wildlife reserves. take them to a park or wildlife reserve and walk with them. show them internet pictures, photographs or picture books. You have to make an important speech at a conference or special occasion. You would: gather many examples and stories to make the talk real and practical. write out your speech and learn from reading it over several times. write a few key words and practice saying your speech over and over. make diagrams or get graphs to help explain things. You want to learn a new program, skill or game on a computer. You would: use the controls or keyboard. follow the diagrams in the book that came with it. read the written instructions that came with the program. talk with people who know about the program. You have finished a competition or test and would like some feedback. You would like to have feedback: using examples from what you have done. using a written description of your results. from somebody who talks it through with you. using graphs showing what you had achieved. Do you prefer a teacher or a presenter who uses: demonstrations, models or practical sessions. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers. handouts, books, or readings. diagrams, charts or graphs. You are helping someone who wants to go to your airport, town centre or railway station. You would: write down the directions (without a map). go with her. draw, or give her a map. tell her the directions. I like websites that have: audio channels where I can hear music, radio programs or interviews. things I can click on, shift or try. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations. interesting design and visual features. You are planning a holiday for a group. You want some feedback from them about the plan. You would: phone, text or email them. use a map or website to show them the places. describe some of the highlights. give them a copy of the printed itinerary. You are going to choose food at a restaurant or cafe. You would: listen to the waiter or ask friends to recommend choices. choose from the descriptions in the menu. choose something that you have had there before. look at what others are eating or look at pictures of each dish. You are about to purchase a digital camera or mobile phone. Other than price, what would most influence your decision? Trying or testing it The salesperson telling me about its features. It is a modern design and looks good. Reading the details about its features. You are going to cook something as a special treat for your family. You would: use a cookbook where you know there is a good recipe. ask friends for suggestions. cook something you know without the need for instructions. look through the cookbook for ideas from the pictures. Other than price, what would most influence your decision to buy a new non-fiction book? It has real-life stories, experiences and examples. Quickly reading parts of it. A friend talks about it and recommends it. The way it looks is appealing. Remember a time when you learned how to do something new. Try to avoid choosing a physical skill, eg. riding a bike. You learned best by: watching a demonstration. diagrams and charts visual clues. written instructions – e.g. a manual or textbook. listening to somebody explaining it and asking questions. You are not sure whether a word should be spelled `dependent or `dependant. You would: find it in a dictionary. write both words on paper and choose one. see the words in your mind and choose by the way they look. think about how each word sounds and choose one. You have a problem with your knee. You would prefer that the doctor: used a plastic model of a knee to show what was wrong. gave you a web address or something to read about it. described what was wrong. showed you a diagram of what was wrong. You are using a book, CD or website to learn how to take photos with your new digital camera. You would like to have: diagrams showing the camera and what each part does. a chance to ask questions and talk about the camera and its features. clear written instructions with lists and bullet points about what to do. many examples of good and poor photos and how to improve them. Please fill in this form so that your results can be included in our research Are you     male or     female? Are you: 18 or younger, 19 to 25, 26 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 or over? Where do you live? USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, South America, Oceania, Africa, Middle East Is this the first time you have filled in the VARK questionnaire? Yes, this is the first time, No, I have filled it in previously Which of the following best matches your perception of your VARK results? That looks just like me Im not much like that Im not sure Are you involved in education (as a faculty member or as a student)?   yes     Ã‚  no Are you a: student? teacher? Which level of education are you involved at? High school Two-Year College Four-Year College University Other What is your main area of study? Humanities Social Sciences Science Applied Science Business Education Performing Arts Other This questionnaire critique is an evaluation of the VARK questionnaire which measures the learning preferences of individuals. VARK stands for the four types of learning preferences which are visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic. The questionnaire is geared towards determining how individual take in and give out information in the learning context. It is not similar to learning styles but is a necessary component of the learning style of an individual. The questionnaire contains 16 items only with four choices per item. The four choices correspond to the four different learning preferences (visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic). The questionnaire is designed to identify which learning preference category the individual highly favors based on his/her responses on the 16 items. The questionnaire is online; therefore it is accessible to a wider range of individuals.   The sampling of respondents is not limited to a certain group since it is online and anyone who comes across the website can take the questionnaire. Moreover, the distribution of the questionnaire occurs only if the questionnaire used was the printed version, but if the online questionnaire is used, it only waits for people to complete the survey. The collection of the data or the responses is automated, it is already programmed and this is added to the database of responses which have been used to establish the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The demographic data is then asked after the taker has completed answering the questionnaire. The demographic questions include gender, age, location, status and field of expertise. The demographic data are then used in the research conducted by the authors of the VARK. The demographical details required in the questionnaire are standard and usually the most commonly asked in questionnaires. The VARK questionnaire was designed appropriately; the questionnaire is short and yet contains all the information needed to make a good assessment of what learning preference the individual has. The questions are straightforward, it asks about a specific event or situation and the choices are related to the questions and can be an accurate answer to the question whichever the individual chooses it to be. The directions however are not very clear, in the online version, the instruction is to encircle the letters beside the choices, but there was no letters to encircle instead it was an online program that is to be clicked on by the test taker. This may provide confusion to those who may have to use the print version of the questionnaire. The results are immediately processed after the individual hits complete and it can be saved in the website for later use and for the use of the authors to gather as many respondents as they can to validate the questionnaire. The items in the questionnaire can be easily read and understood, there are no jargon or complex words and it makes use of situational events that makes answering the questions more believable and comfortable for the respondents. However, a problem may still arise when the taker is not well versed with English or those who have different cultural backgrounds which limit their knowledge of the different situations presented in the questionnaire. The questions also do not have double meanings or measures two things in one question; instead it places the taker in a certain context and is then asked to respond using the four choices. There are no negatively stated items which are therefore more psychometrically easier to collate and analyze as there are no reverse scores. The structure of the VARK questionnaire is just average, the questions are different from each other, and the choices follow a certain order that reflects the four different learning preferences. Although, these are easier to score and to determine which learning preference the taker uses in the different situations that are being presented in the questionnaire the obvious arrangement of the items and the choices may bias the taker or lead his/her answer to the most favorable one. The demographic data is then surveyed after the taker finishes with the main questionnaire and the results are presented instantly, since the questionnaire is online, the individual is somewhat rewarded with his/her score and has the option to volunteer the information needed for the research part of the questionnaire or not. However, some takers may not take too well with volunteering personal information and may opt not to complete the demographic questions which would be a setback for the authors as it would mean a lesser number of respondents to be used to validate the instrument. This is in keeping with the ethical guidelines of using human respondents in the conduct of surveys and questionnaires for research or other purposes. The online survey is also administered in the same way each time since it is in electronic form and is online and has been programmed to interact with the respondent in the same way each time. However, what the authors has to risk is the varied situations that the respondent comes across the questionnaire, others may be in a crowded cafà © with too much noise and distractions, others may also not read the questionnaire very well and just click on the circles while others may choose not to complete the survey.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In general, the VARK questionnaire has been designed excellently, this could be due to the fact that the questionnaire has undergone a number of revisions and upgrades and that the questionnaire had been first published in 2001. The responses to the VARK had provided the author with the information on how to improve the questionnaire and to improve its reliability and validity. Therefore we could say that with time and scientific tools, the VARK is a good example of a well designed and effective questionnaire despite its weaknesses which may be again improved as time wears on. Reference Fleming, N. (2007). VARK Questionnaire, Retrieved November 10, 2007 from

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The High Cost of Genetic Engineering Essay -- Persuasive Argumentativ

The High Cost of Genetic Engineering    Genetic research on human embryos, in correlation with the human genome, is the key to gene therapy, genetic diagnosis, and even to genetically engineered human beings.   Knowing which gene controls what trait and causes what genetic disease will arm doctors with a powerful tool to treat their patients at the molecular level.   On the other hand, this allows people to possibly manipulate genes to enhance specific traits or create the perfect baby.   Genetic research on human embryos has two implications.   A practical one in therapeutic research (to detect, and hopefully correct gene flaws), and then the potentiality of allowing parents to decide how their child should look (or in an extreme word, eugenics).   The former, which at the present is wishful thinking, will be a reality in the future if the technology becomes feasible.   Assuming that we did genetically engineer for positive, medicinal purposes, it would require germ-line therapy, eliminating the necessity of constant somatic cell therapy.   Germ-line therapy is the process of replacing genes, whereas somatic cell therapy is adding genes and hoping that they replicate at a higher rate than others.   Possible targets for genetic engineering would be genetic diseases, such as Huntington (The Benefits of Genetic Engineering) and Parkinson, those proven to be linked to genetic predisposition, such as cancer (Ao, 140), psychological disorders like schizophrenia (Bernstein, 518), and major birth defects (Resta).   There are however drawbacks to these treatments.   Examples include undue suffering to the subjects due to botched engineering of the genes (Wolfson), also known as the Frankenstein factor, psychological trauma associated with... Resta, Robert G.   Genetic Counseling:   Coping with the Human Impact of Genetic Disease:   Ã‚  Ã‚ Saetz, Stephen. 1985.   "Eugenics and The Third Reich."   The Eugenics Bulletin.   Winter.   Ã‚  Ã‚ What's Morally Wrong with   Eugenics:   Ã‚  Ã‚ Wolfson, Richard.   Cloning, Marketing Life, and Playing God (Part II): Magazine Articles: Dickman, Steven.   "Human Embryos Carrying Altered Genes." New Scientist July, 1997. Henig, Robin M. "Tempting: If you could dictate the content of your kid's genes, wouldn't you?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shouldn't you?"   Discover May, 1998.   Pp. 58-64.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Math and Music

There are some obvious similarities between music and math. A musician might not think about them consciously, but knows innately. Scales and intervals are essentially expressions of mathematical relationships. Grasping the importance of math to music means going beyond the conception that math is more than just numbers. Musicians at the highest level know that math is, in fact, fundamental to music. Musicians and mathematicians don’t often think of themselves in the same terms, but they are actually practitioners of the same art. Music can be studied, created and expressed through the principles of physics and geometry. Origins The language of music is heavily laden with numerical jargon. Every young player learns to assign numbers to scale notes and intervals. A musician asked to play a minor seventh interval can visualize this in mathematical form. They think of the scale, then determine its’ relationship to what they were asked to play. For most musicians, this kind of math is an unconscious process. It becomes second nature. Math should not be thought of as a static set of lifeless numbers. In reality, math is a dynamic and creative process of discovering relationships and evaluating their meanings. Music shares the same elements of the problem solving process. The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras was fascinated with music and its expression of mathematical relationships. The beauty of music, for him, was the same as that a mathematician experiences in the process of discovery (Loy, 2006). He saw the differences in notes in terms of ratios. For example, if C is the tonic D would be 9/8 of C. The ratio is describing the difference in the number of vibrations. Each note has its own ratio, relative to tonic. The ratio is multiplied for notes in higher octaves, and divided for notes in lower octaves. Generally speaking, the frequency of a note within a scale can be calculated by multiplying the frequency of the tonic note times the frequency ratio for the selected interval (Reid, 2007). The concept of the octave was described by ancient mathematicians. They discovered that some notes, although different, could be almost imperceptible to the human ear. Correspondingly, they found that there is a mathematical relationship between the same notes in different octaves. The relationships Pythagoras and others illustrated between math and music are fundamental to the development of both fields. In an age when music can be created with computers, the mathematical elements of music have become even more important. Foundations Math and music both use symbols and employ conceptual frameworks. As in math, some elements of music are undefined or vague. Yet, the influence of math is apparent in ways musicians may not even consciously realize. Harvey Reid cites one such example: The frets of a guitar are actually placed according to the 12th root of 2, and 12 frets go halfway up the neck, to the octave, which is halfway between the ends of the strings. (2007) A note is the most basic element of music. What is a note? In technical terms, a note is a specific frequency of vibrations. A good example of this can be seen on an electronic tuning meter. The meter does not â€Å"hear† notes, per se. It counts the number of vibrations the player is creating and matches it to the appropriate frequency for the note being tuned. The actions the player takes to come into compliance with the tuner are essentially part of a mathematical problem-solving process. This illustrates the â€Å"physics† of music. The time signature itself is a mathematical formula related to number theory. The formula is n/2m, where n and m are positive whole numbers (Benson, 2006). More complex time signatures lead to more complicated mathematical relationships. This complexity can be heard, and felt, by the listener. Scales are expressions of mathematical ratios. Broadly classified, scales may be practice-based, just intoned or tempered (Reid, 2007). All are based on mathematical theories. The intervals present in the scales are expressions of mathematical ratios. The process of writing music is mathematical at its heart. It consists of constructing many mathematical relationships that, in some way, still relate to each other. We know what intervals to avoid or, in other words, what frequencies clash in an unpleasing way. Some music takes on geometric properties. A piece in which a theme is repeated and overlapped continually can be described geometrically. The theme is often stretched, overlapped, changed slightly and moved to different keys. All of these are mathematical actions that could be visualized graphically. Technology, the future and Conclusion In the computer age, musicians have a vast array of tools to create new and interesting music. Computers themselves are mathematical machines. Each command is a mathematical problem for the computer to solve. In machines that have vast mathematical capabilities, musicians can explore notational relationships in ways they never thought possible before. There are limitations to the human ear, but technology can use mathematic principles to explore those limitations. The longer a person studies music, the more they become aware of its mathematical roots. Similarly, the longer a person studies mathematics, the more aware they become music is an expression of mathematical concepts. As technology advances, the potential exists for the each field to increase the knowledge of the other. Most musicians innately sense the connection with math. The connections go far beyond the obvious, however. It is a linkage that can be traced all the way back to common origins. Sources Benson, David L. (2006). Music: a Mathematical Offering. New York: Cambridge University Press. Loy, Gareth. (2006). Musimathics: The Mathematical Foundations of Music Vol. 1. Boston: The MIT Press. Reid, Harvey. (2007). â€Å"Of Mathematics and Music†. Accessed 3/22/2007 from:

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Renaissance Music European Classical Music - 905 Words

Renaissance Music Renaissance music is European classical music written approximately 1400 to 1600. The Renaissance followed on from the Middle Ages the name means ‘rebirth’. This time was also the time of Humanism because it focused on human life and accomplishments (Tripod). Support for the arts led to a surge of interest in music (Grendler). New musical forms emerged in France and the Netherlands in the 1400s and gradually spread to Italy and the rest of Europe. Musicians adopted these new forms and combined them with their local traditions to create distinctive regional styles (Grendler). Three factors contributed to the growth of music during the renaissance; wealthy patrons, advances in printing and Catholic an Protestant†¦show more content†¦Some of the important composers are listed below: †¢ Josquin des Pres, Netherlands, worked in Italy France (1440-1521) †¢ Guillaume Dufay, Netherlands, worked in France, Italy Burgundy †¢ Jean de Ockeghem, Netherlands †¢ Orlando di Lasso, Netherlands / Germany, (1532-1594) †¢ Heinrich Schà ¼tz, Germany, (1585-1672) †¢ Michael Praetorius, Germany, (1571-1621) †¢ William Byrd, England,Show MoreRelatedImpact Of The Renaissance751 Words   |  4 PagesWhenever I think about the renaissance, I think of the of the dark ages. The Renaissance was a period in European history, that took place during the 14th through the 17th century. Accordant Leonardo da Vinci he describes the culture of the Renaissance as â€Å"the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages†. 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