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Face-to-Face Versus Online Education - 972 Words

Jeffrey McGurren Com. 103 March 4, 2004 Research Paper 1 Face-to-Face Versus Online Education Education is essential to the future of our society. Many adults, including scholars and teachers, are constantly searching for the best way to educate students today. Face-to-face education, being the genuine form, seems to be the first choice of many students. However, online education is becoming more popular and is being used more often at universities. Online courses are convenient for some who have busy schedules which obstruct them from attending face-to-face courses. Online education may be the most convenient form of education, but is it an effective form? Several valid arguments have been made by scholars and other individuals†¦show more content†¦Since times and meeting places are not specified in online group work, members of the group cannot make excuses on why they cannot attend. The assignments can be worked on by each group member on their own time. The group members can then cooperate with one another through postings or e-mail to equally combine their contr ibutions. We don t have to worry about the group members who did not participate receiving credit (as commonly happens in in-class group work) because we submit only the names of those who participated in the assignment. Having experienced both online and face-to-face education, I have come to the popular opinion: Online education has its positive aspects in relation to convenience and quantity of communication, however, I believe that face-to-face education produces better quality of communication which, in the end, is more essential to the learning process. Online education is convenient and can grant students opportunity to communicate more often with their professors and peers through postings and mail forums. Face-to-face education allows students to learn in a more personal nature which may make the learning process easier and more enjoyable. Neither form of education has been declared the right, or best form. Different individuals have varied beliefs and opinions on which type of education is the best. In order to form an opinion as to which form of education is best for youShow MoreRelatedComparing Face to Face Nursing Education versus Online Options1407 Words   |  6 PagesEducation is evolving due to the impact of the Internet. Change is necessary to engage students; this generation of students has the advantages of instant knowledge that previous generations did not have. Academic facilities, specifically nursing, are slowly adjusting to technological advances in education and are hesitant in accepting online courses as a cre ditable source of teaching. 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