Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Issues in Hospitality Sector for Employees -

Question: Discuss about theIssues in Hospitality Sector for Employees and Technology. Answer: Low wages for employees and technology Technology and low wages for employees in the hospitality sector play an important role. These two factors have turned out to be an issue in the specific sector. The low wages of the employees have become an issue because the employees are aware of the wages in the other sectors and they have become furious about it. The inequality in the wages in the specific sector is due to the fact that the employees have lower educational level and they are employed in low- skill occupations. Moreover, imbalance in the pay in this sector is not because of the comparative characteristics of the employees or the jobs (AlBattat and Som 2013). As per LinkedIn, the trends in the hospitality sector are changing with their rapid increase. But, the new applications and software provided to the hotels and in the hospitality sector becomes an issue as the employees lack the knowledge and skill to use those. The hospitality sector takes time to adapt to those new systems which hampers their service towards the guests. It will also have a direct strategic impact on the operational activities of the hospitality industry. Operational costs The International Society of Hospitality Consultants has related labor and skill shortages with that of construction costs and technology. The hospitality industry also has to come across a number of fixed costs such as wages of the employees and payment of bills. These costs are related to the sustenance of the hospitality activities and they are also coming up with new strategies which can reduce these fixed costs but that should not bring any effect on the quality of services provided to the guests (Jones et al. 2016). Reference AlBattat, A.R.S. and Som, A.P.M., 2013. Employee dissatisfaction and turnover crises in the Malaysian hospitality industry.International Journal of Business and Management,8(5), p.62. Jones, P., Jones, P., Hillier, D., Hillier, D., Comfort, D. and Comfort, D., 2016. Sustainability in the hospitality industry: some personal reflections on corporate challenges and research agendas.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,28(1), pp.36-67.

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