Saturday, December 28, 2019

Resisting Violence and Suffering Concealed by Corruption...

Humans are social creatures, which impinge and get affected by others. All our norms, values and attitudes are born and developed through direct and indirect communications that continuously connect people together. Throughout the history of human’s discrimination, hatred, manipulation and injustice on the basis of class, status and ethnicity has been a part of our society but we should never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when people around us treat a person according to his or her race and origin, when facing a fate that cannot be changed, than what matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human capacity to deal with these kind of people , which is to transform a personal tragedy into joy, to turn ones predicament†¦show more content†¦Hakim Almasmari posted in Yemen post that medicines and drugs imported for public hospitals and health centers are sold in private pharmacies and hospitals (Yemen post). Due to this corruption for money people who cannot afford to buy medicines or pay fees suffer diseases and pain which is caused by them and people who are related to officials or upper class people get immediate attention (Yemen post) which leaves poor people discouraged and isolated from the society. Isolation causes many affects like problem in interacting with people, trusting people, despair and hallucinations. As isolation comes in many forms, the effect varies from person to person. Forced isolation is the isolation that is involuntary, or against the will. Isolation in which an individual alienates himself or herself is considered self-inflicted. Both of these types have similar effects on anShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blake And The French Revolution2017 Words   |  9 Pagesabandoned and orphaned children of religious charity schools would be marched by â€Å"Grey-headed beadles† (Duncan, Pg. 192) through the London streets in a display of gratitude to the Church. When in reality this public display of religious charity concealed the reality of the cruelty they endured by the hands of the Church and the poverty that they lived in; â€Å"Babes reduced to misery, fed with cold and unsorous (sic) hand? / And so many children poor? It is a land of poverty!† (Duncan, Pg. 198). BlakeRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesaccordingly. Scenario planning gets organization stakeholders thinking of the big picture and longer run survivability of the organization—as opposed to maximizing their individual silos. Scenario planning improves the organization’s ability to foresee concealed weaknesses and inflexibilities and to adapt to uncertainty and change. It positions the organization to respond to changing forces in the environment by anticipating the kinds of projects that will need to be implemented. For example, since 1974Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesin an Organization Should Not Be Tolerated We dealt with this first in the Google case. Now we have it again in a mature organization, but one that has had its moments of greatness. Arrogance is a symptom of conceit, but one that is not easily concealed. In at least two instances it was visible enough to be commented on. When Harry Stonecipher, CEO of McDonnell Douglas, came to Boeing, he saw this as the mindset behind Boeing’s problems in the 1990s. And it may have been a major factor in quashing

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