Thursday, December 19, 2019

Literary Analysis Of The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin

Saroj K C Professor Bobby Jones English 1302 11 November 2017 Literary Analysis of â€Å"The Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour is a short story written by Kate Chopin which was published in 1894 as â€Å"The Dream of an Hour† in Vogue. When the word marriage hits our mind, we think it as a lasting relationship. Marriage is a commitment between two individuals bonded by holy ceremony. The story of an hour presents the side of marriage which is usually unheard. The main character of the story is Mrs. Louise Mallard. She came to know about her husband’s death from her sister at first, she wept in her sister’s arms but when she was alone in her room she experiences the happiness of freedom rather than being upset. Later, Mrs.†¦show more content†¦Then, in a crushing blow, everything she has just realized and begun to look forward to is stolen from her grasp. Upon learning of her husbands death, Mrs. Mallard realizes that she is now free. She repeats the words Free, free, free! (paragraph 11) and feels her body come alive. Her pulse beats faster; her blood runs warmer; her eyes brighten (paragraph 11). Mrs. Mallard knows that from now on she can live for herself and no one else, that all sort of days†¦would be her own (paragraph 19). Mrs. Mallard sees the chance to live out the rest of her days for herself; she sees the opportunity to be her own person. Mrs. Mallard now looks forward to a long life. She had previously dreaded the years ahead spent under the thumb of her husband (paragraph 19). Now, though, Mrs. Mallard is someone who has much to look forward to and many joys to appreciate. This opportunity is taken from her just as her chance of freedom is taken from her when she learns that Brently still lives. When Mrs. Mallard sees Brently walk through the front door, the disappointment and the devastation of loss that she suffers cause her heart to fail. When Mrs. Mallard walks down the stairs with her sister, she has triumph in her eyes (paragraph 20). The fro nt door opens, however, and Brently walks in. What effect does this have on Mrs. Mallard? It kills her. Mrs. MallardShow MoreRelatedThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin Literary Analysis1432 Words   |  6 PagesMaking a literary analysis involves writing an argumentative analysis about a particular literature. The analyst is supposed to carefully read the literature and better understand the contents so as to come up with legal analysis. It requires some summary, but it is not a report about the book or the story. It is important in making the reader to understand the message in the book as well as the improvements necessary the literature. 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